One more Hygrophoropsis added

One more Hygrophoropsis added

Information was added about Hygrophoropsis fuscosquamula, a species known to me only by the literature.

New species of Hygrophoropsis added

New species of Hygrophoropsis added

Today, one new species was added to the site, namely Hygrophoropsis macrospora. I have not come across this species so far, but it was Geoffrey Kibby who pointed it to my attention. This fungus is sometimes lumped in Hygrophoropsis pallida, but it has some very distinctive features, which might . . . → Read More: New species of Hygrophoropsis added

Historical illustration added

Historical illustration added

The original illustration of Boletus duriusculus (= Leccinum duriusculum) from Kalchbrenner’s Icones Selectae Hymenomycetum Hungariae was added today.

Photographs of Phylloporus pelletieri and Xerocomus parasiticus added

Photographs of Phylloporus pelletieri and Xerocomus parasiticus added

Several excellent photos of Phylloporus pelletieri and Xerocomus parasiticus were added today. They were kindly supplied by Michal Mik?ik.

Microphotographs added

Microphotographs added

Microphotographs of Suillus lakei were added today, showing the basidiospores and the pileipellis of this species.

New photographs added

New photographs added

My Greek friend Giorgos Konstantinidis, keeper of the great site has provided several macroscopic and microscopic photos of some rare boletes, which greatly supplement the existing collection on Thank you Giorgo!

The photos are now seen under the following species:

Aureoboletus gentilis

Boletus fragrans

Boletus permagnificus

Boletus poikilochromus

Boletus . . . → Read More: New photographs added

Mycological software section added

Mycological software section added

I have added a new section for useful software for mycologists. It is now seen on the “Links”-section.

A new version of the Introduction to the names of fungi

A new version of the Introduction to the names of fungi

A new version of the Introduction to the names of fungi is now available from the Downloads-section. Some changes were made to reflect the decisions of the 18th International Botanical Congress in Melbourne, concerning the effective publication and the possibility to provide English . . . → Read More: A new version of the Introduction to the names of fungi

New photographs added

New photographs added

Today I have added several excellent photos, very kindly presented by Marco Floriani, curator of the magnificent site Russulales News.

The photos are now seen under the following species:

Boletinus cavipes (photos of its f. aureus)

Chalciporus piperatus

Leccinum variicolor

Paxillus ammoniavirescens

Xerocomus dryophilus

Apart from these, I also uploaded some . . . → Read More: New photographs added

New photographs added

New photographs added

I have been very busy these days, so I was putting off for awhile the upload of some excellent photographs, sent by Michal Mik??k, Pavel Nedelev and Alexander Grozdanov. So here they are:

Michal Mik??k

Boletus appendiculatus

Boletus impolitus

Boletus regius

Boletus rhodoxanthus

Leccinum pseudoscabrum

Porphyrellus porphyrosporus


Pavel Nedelev

Boletus . . . → Read More: New photographs added