Exsudoporus Vizzini, Simonini & Gelardi
The genus Exsudoporus was recently separated from Boletus s. l. on the base of molecular evidence. At present it contains three species worldwide of which one is found and is restricted to Europe. The genus is at times debated by some authorities due to its relationship with Butyriboletus.
Fruitbody small to medium sized, boletoid, without veil and ring, at least partly with vivid red colours. Stipe solid, with surface covered with well-defined reticulum. Flesh variously coloured, bruising blue when exposed to air. Tubes easily separable from each other, not tearing apart. Pores usually small and rounded, red to orange red, in young state exsuding drops of liquid, unique character which morphologically sets apart this genus from the related entities.
Exsudoporus permagnificus (Pöder) Vizzini, Simonini & Gelardi
Index Fungorum 183: 1 (2014)
Synonyms: Boletus permagnificus Pöder, Sydowia 34: 151 (1981); Suillellus permagnificus (Pöder) Blanco-Dios, Index Fungorum 211: 1 (2015).
Pileus up to 8 cm, convex to flat-convex, felted or smooth, orange red, vivid to dark red, blueing strongly when bruised, cap margin irregularly undulate. Stipe cylindric, swollen or tapering, more or less rooting, light yellow or yellow, downwards reddish white to pale red, dark red or violet brown at the same base, with well developed red network, stipe surface quickly and strongly blueing at the slightest touch. Flesh yellowish, blueing strongly when exposed to air, then fading to dingy, finally (a few hours after cutting) reddening. Tubes yellow, blueing when injured. Pores orange red or orange yellow, paler at the cap margin, blueing when bruised. Smell not distinctive. Taste acid. Spores 13–16 × 5.5–6.5 μm, ratio 2.2–3.0. Pileipellis (the cap cuticle) a trichoderm of interwoven branched septate long cylindrical hyphae, the underlying layers composed of hyphae of shorter and loosely connected cells. Microchemical reactions: no reaction with Melzer’s solution.
Habitat. Warm deciduous forests, mycorrhizal with oaks (Quercus).
Distribution. Distinctly southern species that might be under-recorded. So far known from Bulgaria, Corsica, Greece, Italy, Sardinia and Spain. In the east it reaches as far as Israel.
![Boletus permagnificus Boletus permagnificus](http://boletales.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/B_permagnificus_41.jpg)
Rich collection of Boletus permagnificus. (photo G. Konstantinidis)
![Boletus permagnificus Boletus permagnificus](http://boletales.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/B_permagnificus_1.jpg)
Fruitbodies of Boletus permagnificus in different stages of development. (photo B. Assyov)
![Boletus permagnificus Boletus permagnificus](http://boletales.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/B_permagnificus_2.jpg)
Fruitbodies of Boletus permagnificus. (photo B. Assyov)
![Boletus permagnificus Boletus permagnificus](http://boletales.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/B_permagnificus_3.jpg)
Fruitbodies of Boletus permagnificus. Note the typically clustered habit. (photo B. Assyov)
![Boletus permagnificus Boletus permagnificus](http://boletales.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/B_permagnificus_4.jpg)
Detail of the stipe surface of Boletus permagnificus. Note the well developed network. (photo B. Assyov)
![Boletus permagnificus spores Boletus permagnificus spores](http://boletales.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/Boletus_permagnificus_spores.jpg)
Basidiospores of Boletus permagnificus. (photo G. Konstantinidis)
Important literature
Alessio, C.L. 1984. Boletus siculus Inz e Boletus permagnificus Pöeder. – Micologia Italiana. 1: 63–68.
Assyov, B. 2005. New and rare Bulgarian boletes. – Mycologia Balcanica 2: 75–81. (available online)
Assyov, B. 2017. Scanning electron microscopic study of the European members of Baorangia, Exsudoporus and Lanmaoa (Boletales, Fungi). – Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences 70(5): 657–662. (available online)
Bellù, F. 1986. Ancora su Boletus permagnificus e Boletus siculus. – Bollettino del Gruppo Micologico ‘G. Bresadola’ Trento 29(1–2): 75–79.
Estadès, A. & Lannoy, G. 2004. Les bolets européens. – Bulletin Mycologique et Botanique Dauphiné-Savoie 44(3): 3–79.
Galli, R. 1998. I Boleti. Atlante pratico-monographico per la determinazione dei boleti. Edinatura, Milano.
Icard, C. & Hurtado, C. 1997. Boletus permagnificus Pöder au pied des Alpes. – Bulletin Semestriel de la Fédération des Associations Mycologique Méditérraneennes 12: 5–10. (available online on site)
Lannoy, G. & Estadès, A. 2001. Les Bolets. Flore mycologique d’Europe. Documents Mycologiques Mémoire Hors série no. 6. Pp. 1–163. Association d’Écologie et de Mycologie, Lille.
Lunghini, D. & Perrone, L. 2002. Contributo alla studio e al monitoraggio delle Boletaceae del litorale Laziale. 2. – Bolletino dell’Associazione Micologica ed Ecologica Romana 17–18: 39–60.
Moreno, G. & Esteve-Raventós, F. 1988. Boletus aemilii Barbier, B. permagnificus Pöder and Xerocomus truncatus Singer, Snell & Dick, in Spain. – Lazaroa 10: 253–258. (available online)
Muñoz, J.A. 2005. Boletus s. l. – In: Fungi Europaei. Vol. 1. Pp. 1–951. Edizioni Candusso, Alassio.
Muñoz Sánchez, J.A. & Cadiñanos, J.A. 2001. Algunos Boletales interesantes de la Península Ibérica. – Bellara 17–18: 55–64. (available online)
Pöder, R. 1982. Boletus permagnificus spec. nov. – ein auffallender Röhrling der Sektion Luridi Fr. assoziiert mit Eichen. – Sydowia 34: 149–156. (available online, 5.9 Mb PDF)
Šutara, J., Mikšík, M. & Janda, V. 2009. Hřibovité houby. Čeled’ Boletaceae a rody Gyrodon, Gyroporus, Boletinus a Suillus. Academia, Praha.
Κωνσταντινίδης, Γ. 2009. Μανιτάρια, φωτογραφικός οδηγός μανιταροσυλλέκτη. Αυτοέκδοση, Αθήνα. [Konstantinidis, G. 2009. Mushrooms, a photographic guide for collectors. Published by the author, Athens.]