Genera & Species

Color charts

Colour charts

This section contains references to the most important colour charts used by boletologists. For detailed survey consult the papers (see the references below) of Tucker & al. (1991) and  Paclt (1983). One should bear in mind that most of these are available for consult only in larger library. Most mycologists use them arbitrarily, depending on the availability. Of the charts listed below very few are currently available for sale. The British Fungus Flora Colour Chart (84 colour) is supplied with each volume of the British Fungus Flora or might be ordered separately. The other one is the Online Auction Color Chart with 909 colours. Some other charts are currently available as reprints, but most of these are of little use being reprinted in black & white or grayscale.

Anonymous. 1969. Flora of British Fungi – Colour Identification Chart. Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, Edinburgh.

Anonymous. 2004. The Online Auction Color Chart. The Online Auction Color Chart Company, Stanford. (available from the Bookstore)

Kornerup, A. & Wanscher, J.H. 1978. Methuen Handbook of Colour. Eyre Methuen, London.

Locquin, M. 1957. Chromotaxia: code mycologique et p?dologique des couleurs. Privately published, Paris.

Maerz, A. & Paul, M.R. 1930. A Dictionary of Color. McGraw-Hill, New York.

Munsell, A.H. 1975. Munsell Soil Color Charts. Munsell Color Inc., Baltimore.

Paclt, J. 1983. A chronology of color charts and color terminology for naturalists. – Taxon 32: 393–405.

Rayner, R.W. 1970. A Mycological Colour Chart. Commonwealth Mycological Institute, Kew.

Ridgway, R. 1912. Color Standards and Color Nomenclature. Privately published, Washington.

Saccardo, P.A. 1894. Chromotaxia seu Nomenclator colorum polyglottus additis speciminibus coloratis ad usum botanicorum et zoologorum. Typis Seminarii, Patavii.

S?guy. E. 1936. Code universel des couleurs. Encyclop?die Pratique d? Naturaliste. Vol. 30. P. Lechevalier, Paris.

Tucker A.O., Maciarello M.J. & Tucker S.S. 1991. A survey of color charts for biological descriptions. – Taxon 40: 201–214.

Бондарцев, А.С. 1950. Трутовые грибы Европейской части СССР и Кавказа. Академия Наук СССР. [Bondartsev, A.S. 1950. Polypores of the European part of the USSR and Caucasus. Academy of Sciences of USSR.] (Colour chart included as part of the book)

Бондарцев, А.С. 1954. Шкала цветов (пособие для биологов при научных и научно-прикладных исследованиях). Издательство Академии Наук СССР, Москва – Ленинград . [Bondartsev, A.S. 1954. Colour chart (for use of biologists in scientific and practical research). Academy of Sciences of USSR Publishers, Moscow - Leningrad.] (Colour chart included as part of the book)

Бондарцев, А.с. 1950. Трутовые грибы Европейской части СССР и Кавказа. Академия Наук СССР. [Bondartsev, A.S. 1950. Polypores of the European part of the USSR and Caucasus. Academy of Sciences of USSR.] (Colou chart included as part of the book)