The International Code for Nomenclature is now online

The International Code for Nomenclature is now online

The International Code for Nomenclature of Algae, Fungi and Plants, also known as the Melbourne Code is now online. The Code governs the names of all fungi and it was impatiently awaited by mycologists as it introduces a number of important changes of the rules for . . . → Read More: The International Code for Nomenclature is now online

Bresadola’s Iconographia Mycologica now online

Bresadola’s Iconographia Mycologica now online

The magnificent work “Iconographia Mycologica” of the Italian mycologist Giacomo Bresadola is now accessible online. This historical series was for a very long time available only in larger libraries and difficult for mycologists to find.  Thanks to the work of the Gruppo Micologico “G. Bresadola” the complete set . . . → Read More: Bresadola’s Iconographia Mycologica now online

Connecting to WAN Networks

Physical routers are necessary to connect to WAN Networks. The architecture builds on established infrastructure to produce a device that is inherently lean, reusable and scalable. In this implementation, the WANs are wired directly to data center nodes and therefore have zero configuration/deployment overhead. You can find more info here.

We’ve discussed in . . . → Read More: Connecting to WAN Networks

Recent paper tackling the Xerocomus subtomentosus complex

Recent paper tackling the Xerocomus subtomentosus complex

I have recently received one new paper dealing with the complex around Xerocomus subtomentosus, a rather difficult group, which still poses several taxonomic problems despite of the recent research which much clarified the main species in this aggregate. The paper is written by the Italian mycologist Matteo . . . → Read More: Recent paper tackling the Xerocomus subtomentosus complex

New genus of boletes was recorded from Europe

New genus of boletes was recorded from Europe

I am very excited to let you know that a new genus of Boletales has been found in Europe, namely Boletellus. The news was just brought to me by Mr M. Miksik, who has found the publication.

Technically the name Boletellus have already appeared for some . . . → Read More: New genus of boletes was recorded from Europe

Electronic publishing of new names of fungi

Electronic publishing of new names of fungi

Summary of the important changes in the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi and Plants concerning electronic publication of new names,  is now available on Open Access in Mycotaxon. Click here to read it.

Knapp, S., McNeill, J. & Turland, N. J. 2011. Fungal nomenclature. Changes . . . → Read More: Electronic publishing of new names of fungi

New affordable paperback edition of Dictionary of the fungi

New affordable paperback edition of Dictionary of the fungi

The Dictionary of the fungi is indispensable edition for mycologists. I have been just alerted of its paperback reprint, which appeared this year and is cheaper alternative of the original hardback edition that appeared in 2008.

The book is now available also in our . . . → Read More: New affordable paperback edition of Dictionary of the fungi

Corner’s “Boletus in Malaysia” revisited

Corner’s “Boletus in Malaysia” revisited

Almost forty years have passed since E. J. H. Corner published his “Boletus in Malaysia”, one book which even nowadays remains an invaluable source for those studying the boletes in the tropics and the subtropics. After 1996 the mycologist Egon Horak undertook a revision of the Malayan . . . → Read More: Corner’s “Boletus in Malaysia” revisited

Piximetre 5.2, one handy program for measuring spores

Piximetre 5.2, one handy program for measuring spores

Measuring of the spores and other microscopic structures of fungi is always necessary, in order to reach identification. It is a laborious task when done on the microscope, but it is much easier when structures are measured on digital images by specialized software. I must admit . . . → Read More: Piximetre 5.2, one handy program for measuring spores

Two interesting books on the Greek larger fungi

Two interesting books on the Greek larger fungi

I am happy to present to the readers two very nice books which I have received from their author Giorgos Konstantinidis. They are among the few such books on the Balkans and together with the purely scientific publications serve as a valuable source of information on . . . → Read More: Two interesting books on the Greek larger fungi