Genera & Species


Dear visitor,

Welcome to my site devoted to the boletes.

My first introduction to mycology was in 2002 by my tutor Cvetomir M. Denchev, at the time when I started my PhD-thesis on the genus Boletus in Bulgaria. Since that time boletes have become my greatest passion. This site is my humble attempt to help people trying to get introduced to this fascinating group of larger fungi.

On those pages I would try to give an idea to how boletes are collected and studied, what literature could be used to do that, and also provide at least a short overview of the species so far known to me. Yet in the same beginning it already seems a huge task to me, so I would be thankful to anybody who wishes to provide photographs or any information that they think may be useful to list on those pages. Many people contribute now a lot of information and photographs. I wish to thank them all. Please see our contributors’ pages below.

One should be aware that recent molecular studies changed the bolete systematics dramatically and the system of Boletales nowadays includes some resupinate (Coniophora) and many gasteroid fungi (e. g. the Barometer earthstar); these are however not dealt with here, at least not by this time. I have tried however to include information about most of the European boletes with pores and their allies with gills.

Boris Assyov

Contributors pages

Michal Mik?ik